Mayor Furey to Conduct Series of Town Hall Meetings

torrance-town-hallMayor Furey recently unveiled plans to conduct a series of “Torrance Town Halls with the Mayor” over the next few months.  The meetings will be held at various locations throughout Torrance with the intent of providing residents more insight into what is currently “in the works.”

As part of the Council agenda for the meeting to be held tomorrow night, the City Manager is seeking approval from the Council to allow City staff to provide support for these meetings.  How much that additional support will cost taxpayers is not identified.

The first of these meetings is scheduled to be held at North High School on October 27th.

TTA Presents 2016-2017 Contract Proposal

Newly elected Torrance Teachers Association (TTA) President Deborah Tabush, along with other association leaders, presented their initial contract proposal for 2016-2017 at the last meeting of the TUSD Board of Education.

Tabush offered that the proposed items were not generated in a vacuum and were the result of a year long process in which they gathered input from all their members. Tabush then closed her remarks by saying that, “our negotiation team looks forward to initiating and continuing discussion with TUSD in hopes of reaching an amicable agreement that will be in the best interests of teachers and students.”

The TTA’s initial demands are as follows:tta-proposal

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