Torrance School Board Election – SEIU Local 99 Questionnaire

SEIU Local 99I filed to run for TUSD School Board yesterday.  Today I received the following questionnaire from SEIU Local 99, which is an education workers union claiming to represent nearly 300 workers at TUSD.  I need to complete the questionnaire by August 14th to be considered for their endorsement.  How should I respond?

1. Briefly describe your top three priorities and the policy areas that will be of most interest to you as a member of the Board.

2. What public administration or leadership experience do you have?  Please explain the programs you have developed and implemented for the benefit of the public.

3. What do you think are the three largest challenges facing your District today?

4. How will you effectively represent the District and its workers?

5. How would you ensure that less affluent neighborhoods in the district receive the same attention as more affluent areas?

6. What is your position on Charter Schools?


7. Do you support a $15 minimum wage and access to healthcare for all employees?

8. Under what circumstances, if any, do you favor privatizing existing District services?

9. What rights and benefits do you believe the District should afford its part-time and temporary employees?

10. Do you support the right of part-time and temporary (extra help) workers employed by the district to unionize and to bargain for better wages, benefits and working conditions?

11. Name your top three budget priorities.

12. How do you propose increasing revenue in order to support improved educational services/outcomes?


13. Would you ensure that all buildings owned by the district and leased to private entities use unionized janitors and security officers?

14. Will you ensure that only responsible contractors are used for services overseen by the district?  If so, please define what you would consider to be a reasonable contractor.

15. Do you support having Project Labor Agreements (PLA) for all District facilities construction?


16. School employees, including cafeteria workers, special education assistants, bus drivers and public safety officers make sure children learn in a clean, safe, supportive environment. However, with an average salary of $15,000 a year, school employees struggle to support their families in the summer months. School employees are the only workers expressly prohibited from collecting unemployment in the summer months despite the fact that the school employees unemployment fund currently has a multi-million dollar surplus. Would you support legislation to allow classified workers to collect unemployment in the summer months?  And, if so, what would you do to help support summer unemployment insurance for classified employees?

17. Currently, classified employees do not have a say in whether or not their school is a Charter school. Would you support legislation that would allow classified workers to be included as part of the petition process to establish charter schools? And, if so, what would you do to help make this law pass?

18. More families are connected to schools than any other institution in the community, making them a natural access point for services.  How would you increase the provision of  health/mental health services, workforce development, and after school programs on school campuses? What role can classified employees play in expanding access to these services? How would you leverage additional resources from City and County agencies?


19. How would you be supportive of charter school employees wanting to form a union?

20. How would you ensure that Charter Management Organizations do not intimidate workers and remain neutral if and when school employees decide to form a union?

21. Do you support collective bargaining rights for Head Start employees and in-home child care providers? And if so, what would you to ensure that all workers have the rights to collectively bargain.

22. Do you consider increasing the number of fulltime workers in the District a priority? If yes, what would you do to ensure this is a budgetary priority?

23. Which of the following actions would you take to support workers engaged in union activity such as bargaining and organizing?

YES                       NO

____                      ____    Walk picket lines

____                      ____    Mediate with employers

____                      ____    Write letters of support

____                      ____    Fight for proper enforcement of current labor law

____                      ____    Hold a press conference

____                      ____    Speak at rallies

____                      ____    Reach out to stakeholders

____                      ____    Hold a legislative hearing

____                      ____    Sponsor legislation

Would you cross a picket line?


24. If elected, which of the following will you commit to for the purpose of building a strong working relationship with SEIU?

YES                 NO

____                ____    Call for and welcome SEIU input on relevant policy matters

____                ____    Attend SEIU leadership and worksite meetings

____                ____    Work with SEIU to develop district policy proposals

____                ____    Ensure direct access to you and your staff

____                ____    Work to appoint qualified union members to appropriate committees


25. Do you support Comprehensive Immigration Reform with a pathway to citizenship? And if so, how will you use your elected office to ensure that this becomes law?

26. Is there anything else you believe is important for the members of SEIU to know about you and your campaign as they continue the process of evaluating the candidates and deciding who to support for the Board?


Section 923 of California’s Labor Code states it is the public policy of this state that ”It is necessary that the individual workman have full freedom of association, self-organization, and designation of representatives of his own choosing, to negotiate the terms and conditions of his employment, and that he shall be free from the interference, restraint, or coercion of employers of labor, or their agents, in the designation of such representatives….”

Employers have the power to fire, promote, change work assignments and other wise reward and punish their workers.  There are many responsible employers who respect the rights of their workers and obey the law.  Unfortunately, many employers abuse their power in the workplace to deny their workers the right to freely choose a voice on the job by joining a union and bargaining contracts determining the terms and conditions of their employment.

Each year workers seeking to organize a union in their workplace are fired although the law says this is illegal.  After years of litigation, employers are required to rehire these workers and pay back wages minus any income the worker earned after being fired.  Employers pay no other penalty.  Workers receive no compensation for the harm done to their lives and careers.  And unions receive no compensation for the impact of such illegal activities on their organizing drives.

Even after workers overcome employer interference and vote for a union many employers then refuse to bargain a contract in good faith.

SEIU asks you as a candidate and elected official to exert moral leadership and to actively support public policies that protect the right of workers to freely choose a voice on the job by participating in a union and to bargaining with their employers.

As a candidate and elected official I hereby pledge:

1. To publicly support and actively encourage workers who are organizing a union with the Service Employees International Union (SEIU).
2. To publicly support and actively encourage the position that workers should be able to freely choose for themselves whether they want to gain a voice on the job by unionizing without the intimidating effects of any employer interference.  This includes publicly supporting and encouraging employers to remain neutral on the question of unionization.
3. To publicly support and actively encourage the position that no taxpayer money should be spent interfering with the right of workers to freely choose a union.
4. To publicly support and actively encourage a fair and fast process for determining worker support for unionization including secret ballot election or card check recognition.
5. To publicly support and actively encourage employers to negotiate an agreement with the union within 90 days after the majority of workers express their choice in favor of forming a union.
6. To publicly support and actively encourage employers to negotiate good faith collective bargaining agreements with their workers and to abide by the terms of those agreements.

Signature: ___________________________Date: _________


Print Name:  ____________________________________________________________


  • anonymous

    Just send in a signed copy of the Communist Manifesto. You might be seen as being too Right Wing, but it would save time.

  • Interesting. I’m happy you are running.

  • Clint and all, how do we get this questionnaire out there for Torrance voters? Our local FB groups are not enough.

  • Arthur J Plourde

    The SEIU is attempting to influence voters with this kind of question pertition, and depending on the answers they get that is how they will determine who to vote for not the best person for the job but the best puppet that they can manipulate to do what they and their agenda wants accomplished. A School Board should be beholding to no one. Members of the board should not have to answer questions as proposed in this unorthodox action to try and influence votes. Do not be intimidated take NO ACTION on this what so ever, and run your style of campaign for a seat on this Board and don’t be Bulied around by this type of egrigious activity. Since when in America don’t we stand on our own two feet, and allow ourselves to become talking boxes for organizations we don’t have to believe on Iota in. Enough is Enough!!! The SEIU is out of line and should be sanctioned and charged with influencing an election by this type of activity. DO NOT COMPLY to this Attempt by the SEIU for control the candidates..

  • The SEIU thugs disgust me. They do not care about kids. They do not even care about their employees. They only care about themselves. This whole mess is awful. Thank you, Clint, for sharing this

  • Jesus Freak!

    Goodness. I could think of some really interesting ways to respond, but probably silence (to them) and doing what you’re doing (letting the public know how corrupt those people are) is the right thing to do.

  • Anonymous

    SEIU99 is not a local union. They represent workers in many districts, so their questions are very general. There are three other bargaining units within TUSD, which are run directly by Torrance Unified employees, many of whom live in Torrance and raised their families in Torrance. It will be very interesting to see how they feel about you running, Clint. I’m sure you have already reached out to them, and want to meet with them to hear their concerns and views.

  • Anonymous

    It is very obvious from the questionnaire that they have only their self-interest at heart, and not those of the students.

    Just underscores that unions have no place in publicly funded positions. The school board should be about our kids, and not beholden to any outside influences.

  • The communist manifesto needs to be incorporated in every form of government. Every proud liberal understands this. Go SEIU

    We don’t need racist Republicans running the show.

  • When I see Arthur comment on blogs it scares me. Isn’t that the guy who discriminates different cultures. The Klan is strong within him.

  • Abraham Levine

    Incredible bullies. Does the union really give a damn about educating children? I’m trying to get in touch with Clint Paulson to ask some questions. I cannot find an email address, or even a web site. I do not do twitter or facebook.
    Is there any other way to get in touch before I vote?

  • Anonymous

    And yet they did not require the pledge to be signed in order to endorse Terry Ragins. Did you sit in the interview with them? Did you ask if you would be required to sign to the pledge in order to receive their support? If they had offered their support, would you have accepted it?

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