Patrick Furey Lambasts Former Mayor Scotto and Councilmember Sutherland

p fureyPatrick Furey, the Current Vice-Chair of the Traffic Commission and son of Mayor Furey, expressed his displeasure with former Mayor Scotto and Councilmember Sutherland in remarks appearing on his public Facebook page.  In those remarks, Furey claimed the pair suffered from sour grapes and that they were no longer considered his friends.  His statement in full reads, “Sour grapes. Attacking the wonderful city employees that make Torrance such a great place to live. Attacking the working class. Honestly embarrassing – especially the remarks of two people I used to consider friends.”

Both Scotto and Sutherland expressed concern in a recent Daily Breeze article about an agreement that was reached between the City and the Union representing approximately 500 City employees.  According to the Staff Report, the agreement includes a $261K one time pay-out to Union members for back pay.  The agreement also includes an accelerated pay increase on the back end of the deal in the amount of $185K.

Scotto equated the payments to a signing bonus and commented that it was an indication that the “unions are going to be running the show” under the Furey administration.  Sutherland claimed that the Union was trying to get more with the new Council and that they got it.  He was also quoted as stating that the “Unions have all the power.  They did a lot of work to get these people elected and they put in a lot of money, a lot of effort.  I hate to say it, but it paid off.”

Patrick Furey was also critical of the local paper and author Nick Green.  His remarks included the statement that the “Daily Breeze is going belly up. Readership is down 50% from 2010. Bad writing, creating news rather than reporting it, extreme views that are out of touch. It’s no wonder whatever candidate they endorse tends to lose.”

The Daily Breeze had endorsed Tom Brewer for mayor in the past election and has printed several stories targeting the campaign tactics of Patrick in his role as the Campaign Manager for his father’s successful mayoral bid.

Mayor Furey has not publically commented on the Daily Breeze article.  It should be fascinating to hear what he has to say about the subject, if anything, at the Council meeting tonight where the union agreement will be a hot topic along with an appointment to fill Furey’s unexpired council term.



    The mayor doesn’t need to do the talking on this. He’s got his son doing that for him. Don’t think for one minute that Junior’s facebook rant was a rogue or vigilante move. It had all the approval of his dad. Yes, the unions are so wonderful and have done so much for the city like bringing bankruptcy ever closer and if the time it right Mayor Furey will get all the credit for that fiasco along with the rest of the current city council.

  • Anonymous

    On the contrary, the Daily Breeze was right about Patrick Furey.

  • Anonymous

    It really does seem like the unions are running things now that they have Mayor Furey and Furor Jr. on the payroll

  • Anonymous

    the city which prides itself on being a “balanced city” is no longer represented by the mayor and council..the public service unions have always run the show but greed has taken over.

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