Council Meeting Notes: Goodrich Casts Lone Abstaining Vote

In only his second council meeting, Councilman Goodrich displayed a willingness to depart from the views of his much senior in age colleagues on the Council.  His dissenting vote came as the Council took up the issue of adopting a resolution in support of the Bay Delta Conservation Plan (BDCP).  Goodrich’s vote, although not cast on a particularly significant matter as Torrance does not control the implementation of the BDCP, may have served as a signal to the other Council members that he intends to vote his conscience even if his opinion may not be the popular one.

Prior to casting his vote, Goodrich briefly explained his viewpoint.  He claimed that his research indicated that many organizations statewide were opposed to the BDCP.  He specifically cited the League of Women Voters and quoted that organization as stating that this “would be a bad deal for taxpayers.”  Goodrich then related his concern that creating a reliance upon water that comes from as far as 300 miles away could be a national security liability.  City Staff responded to that concern by stating that the City’s water currently comes from that distance and that we have had no saftey concerns to date.

Advocates of the BDCP claim that it will assure the state’s water security at a reasonable cost.  Key concerns about the project that have been raised include: 1) incomplete design with Project costs at a minumum of $25 billion; 2) it will not attain expected water reliability goals; and 3) it will degrade Delta water quality thereby harming the estuary’s farmers and acquatic ecosystems.

After a brief discussion, the Council voted to approve the measure in support of the BDCP with Goodrich casting the lone abstaining vote of the evening.  In the same meeting, the Council also unanimously approved a measure to limit criminal activity at massage parlors.


One comment

  • Torrance Citizen

    Did you consider that Tim may have voted ‘A’ on this, because since this is such a negative issue to the northern half of our state, that maybe he didn’t want to be on record as voting for it because of concerns of how it might affect him in the future if/when he runs for state office? Is he looking beyond Torrance’s needs and looking after his future aspirations and making sure he won’t have a skeleton in his closet that may come back to bite him? And why an ‘A’ and not a ‘N’? He made a big deal saying he wasn’t likely to support it, so why not just vote ‘N’? I think he should have explained his vote.

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